Szkoła Podstawowa Stowarzyszenia „Edukacja-Młodzież” w Pleszewie Primary School of „Education Youth” Association was created in 2005 as a non-State school rights. There are 120 students who educate to become a cook (catering) or a carpenter. Our students are in age 12-18. We employ 28 teachers and 5 administrative staff.
The main reason about creating such a school was taking the youths’ problems into the account to make them chance to educate and live in a good conditions in the Center for Education and the necessity to intensify work with difficult youths. A large group of our students is neglected, with reduced life chances, coming from the socially not adjusted environments, mainly pathological, sometimes criminogenic, having difficulties at school.
Our goal is to help youths at risk of marginalization or social exclusion, improving its social and professional activation including acquire new qualifications, compensation for arrears of educational skills in the use of information technology, increase the motivation to learn and search employment, to increase their self-esteem and responsibility for the task. It was assumed that the guarantee of the proper process of education will be recruiting highly specialized staff and a broad-based collaboration teaching environment in Pleszew area. Besides traditional teaching classes, the staff spends a lot of time on extracurricular activities and has a good contact with teenagers.
A very important thing is the fact where the school is based. It is good located and convenient in using the buildings, lent by the Headquarters of the THE CENTRE OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION (CKiW) OF THE VOLUNTARY LABOUR CORPS (OHP) IN PLESZEW.