M1. Meeting in Roma

On the 12- 13thof November 2018 the M1 meeting of the Erasmus+ E.S.S.E:N.C.E. project took place in Rome.

All partners of the partnership participated and attendance certificates and signature sheet were produced. The work plan with timing, roles and specific tasks of each member was shared and approved.

Particular attention was paid to how the project will be managed and monitored – it will benefit from Google-based tools – and to the financial administration (rules, eligible events, supporting documents, deadlines, etc.).

All the points defined on the agenda were dealt with through presentations prepared by the designed facilitators; the agenda was uploaded to the Mobility Tool platform and the first activities to be implemented were planned in detail: the delineation of the methodological framework (O1 / A1) and the set of activities to stimulate entrepreneurial education (O1 / A2).