M3. Meeting in Pleszew

On the 10- 11th of June 2019 the M3 meeting of the Erasmus+ E.S.S.E:N.C.E. project took place in Pleszew. All partners of the partnership participated and attendance certificates and signature sheet were produced.
All the points defined on the agenda were dealt with through presentations prepared by the designed facilitators; the agenda was uploaded on the Mobility Tool platform.
IC Fontanile took the floor about current situation and road map:
the applicant reminded the main objective of the project, what has been done to prepare the meeting and the main M3 meeting objectives:
– sharing and validation of methodology;
– sharing how engage stakeholders, necessary for the adjustment of the methodology and the subsequent merger with the skills assessment model provided by the MIUR (O1 / A5);
– sharing a first idea on which  the E-portfolio should be based (O1 / A7 );
– sharing topics and contents of training course to be carried out during the JSTE (O1 / A6).
It was also reminded that to go forward correctly and in the best possible way everyone has to do its best to respect deadlines and tasks and to give its contributions where required.
Minna, from LUT, has presented the big picture about teacher training path and, regarding assessment methodology, she did refer to some available tools developed by projects funded by European Fund, MTEE (https://developmentcentre.lut.fi/muut/enterprise/) and by European Commission, The Entrepreneurial School (TES) (https://www.tesguide.eu/web_article/about-tes.htm) aimed at supporting teachers professional development in applying the entrepreneurial learning in several subjects and learning environments (primary, secondary, upper secondary and vocational schools). Assessment theoretical foundations and, above all, ways to evaluate entrepreneurial skills by teachers and to self-evaluate by the students may still be unaccounted for in the “General” documents related to the selected three sub-competencess.  
Regarding stakeholders engagement, IC Fontanile has presented a proposal of newsletter to share with the stakeholders by mailchimp platform; only public addresses must be used and only complete contents can be shared and, of course, the one came out in the meetings. At this point in the project we especially need to inform about project progress only qualified stakeholders who are able to give us a useful contribution, for that reason IC Fontanile has presented a questionnaire aimed at collecting responses about three headings: Knowledge, Interest, Application. Local representatives of the government and the education department also intervened and in addition to statistical data on the territory of Great Poland, they talked about the functioning of the organization of education in Poland following a reform last year. It is important that each partner becomes active on the dissemination front to talk about the project and promote it so that it does not remain alone in its own home.
Linda, from UM, talked about training course contents and e-Portfolio tool. Here you are slides . Basically, there are 4 main contents that will be conveyed through the JSTE in Spain:  EntreComp competence, EntreComp Activities, Active Assessment for transversal competences and Essence tool (e-Portfolio). Regarding the e-Portfolio, there was a discussion about the requirements,unctionality and features of innovations it must have to fully respond to what is defined in the approved project. Consorzio Ro.Ma., which manages the cross activity monitoring and evaluation of activities (A3), showed Second quarter report aims at taking over strengths, weaknesses and opportunities linked to the project implementation that will be uploaded on Google Drive.