The project and the critical issues identified in the Italian and European education system, aligning with the policies in force and methods a teaching / learning method to support.

The Entrepreneurship Action Plan 2020 has emphasized the development of entrepreneurial resources represents one of the political objectives at European level, to date, initiatives and programs on the topic, still rare. The development of entrepreneurship from the first classes is essential for the management of transversal skills such as critical thinking, creativity and initiative.

Similar data emerge in the Eurodice Report (Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe, 2016) highlighting how, about half of European countries, it is a single interdisciplinary approach to ed. entrepreneurial activity without providing for targeted action strategies. The report emphasizes the need to monitor ed. entrepreneurial at national level and enunciated in the educational programs action plans for their insertion. A further gap concerns the assessment of these skills and the need to implement targeted strategies aimed at a narrative purpose. Based on statistics applied to the European schools, it is a reference plan on the key competence.

Technical Report of the JRC (Entrepreneurial competence: an overview of existing concepts, policies and initiatives, 2015). the educational initiative is an assessment of experience and creativity. Furthermore, these are specific, behavioral and attitudinal problems. In the narrative field, the trainer plays a key role, requiring controlled and multidisciplinary training and specific support tools. If entrepreneurship is recognized as a fundamental learning experience for students from the first classes, the evaluation also plays a significant role; Not only that, but also new methods and evaluation tools.

The needs at European level align with the Italian one; the project stems from a critique identified in our school system according to the model of competence being tested in schools of the first cycle of education, adopted with Ministerial Ministry No. 3/2015 by the Directorate General for school systems and for evaluation of the national education system. The monitoring reports prepared by the MIUR, training for inadequate teachers, inappropriate teaching, scarcity and inadequacy of the methods and tools of competence competence, little attention to self-assessment and high number of skills to be certified. Furthermore, Italy is one of the European countries that has not adopted any national strategy to support the ed. entrepreneurial (Eurydice report).

Grant Agreement number: 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048137