M4. Meeting in Ankara

The fourth partnership meeting was held in Ankara on 22nd and 23rd October 2019. During the meeting, participants talked about the current situation and road map.

One of the most important points was the explanation of the latest methodology developed, latest e-tool developed and validation of final documents on Methodology and e-tool design. Participants took part in workshop for schools on methodology. Workshop for schools on e-tool. Communication Plan and Stakeholder questionnaire results were implemented.

The proposal for training course for teachers, aimed at transmitting the skills necessary for the application and use of project methods and tools and validation of course content was discussed. Partners discussed about Website, Facebook and other strategies (contents, target audience, etc …).

Deadlines for intermediate quality evaluation have been set. Local representative of Turkish Educational Offices on Turkish educational structure and Entrepreneurial skills initiatives participated in the meeting. Dates and objectives of our next meeting were agreed.