Our school (AGR1Beja) is composed of a Secondary school – Diogo de Gouveia, two Lower secondary schools (children aged 10 to 14) and two Pre Primary and Primary schools, besides other smaller rural schools in the vicinity. AGR1Beja has about 2800 students and more than 300 teachers and it is located in the south of Portugal in a very small town called Beja. The region has specific conditions for it has its base in agriculture and services and it is the largest region of Portugal but the least populated. The town has some very poor, migrant, refugees and minority group neighbourhoods. The school faces a few challenges both with special needs children that have integrated the regular curriculums and pupils belonging to poor social strata groups like gypsies and eastern countries residents in the area (Ukrainian, Romanian and Moldavian), as well as Brazilians.

The oldest students of our school already carry out some dynamization activities the school space as cakes sales and parties organization with the objective of raising money for their finalists trip.

We thought it would be interesting to extend this initiative to services for the youngest people from the school, and even small services to the community (space animation, face painting, babysitting,…)

Our school wants to strengthen the international dimension of the curriculum and will set the necessary guidelines to promote the inventory of the elements in the curriculum that include European and international topics and then to start streamlining these elements in the subjects across School years and across subjects (cross-curricular approach).

Our School wants to develop high quality formats of projects (virtual projects and projects for mobility), that are linked to the curriculum in all subject areas (Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Mathematics, Sciences, Physics, Arts, Physical Education and Sports, History, Geography, Civics and Religion) and that can be repeatable.

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