
Framtidsfrön is a non- profit and non- governmental organization founded in 2002 in Linköping, Sweden. We are supported and mostly funded by the National agency for education, but we also have a membership system where municipalities and schools can become members. Our field of work is within Entrepreneurship Education and we have four offices in Sweden. Stockholm where we mostly work with business development and communication, Gothenburg who works a lot with teacher and student education, Linköping which is our head office and Karlstad that runs lots of regional projects. We 11 employees in total but we work nationwide together with our partners and offer our services to schools and stakeholders all over Sweden. Our inspirational materials and classroom tools are mostly spread through our website. But also, through our many workshops and lectures. We meet approximately 9000 students in the ages 6-15 years in class room situations yearly, and we meet, inspire and/or train approximately 3000 teachers, student counselors and head teachers on a yearly basis. This is excluding all teachers and students that are using our digital material.

We have employees that are experienced teachers/pedagogues and employees that have a substantial experience from the trade- and industry world as well as with authorities, which ensures both perspectives regarding co-operation between schools and business life.

One of the most important areas that we work with is to build bridges between schools and the surrounding world. We do this, for example, through our material “Make a difference” where businesses and organizations leave real life missions or cases for the student to solve. Once solved- the companies support the students with feedback.

It’s our in-house expert pedagogues that are the ones developing our training material for teachers to use. They do this with different reference groups of working teachers.

Framtidsfrön educates teachers in methods and supporting materials in preschool up to secondary school. We offer activities and inspiration for students from primary- to upper secondary school.