Piloting activities at SzkołaPodstawowaStowarzyszenia “Edukacja-Młodzież” in Pleszew started with exercises introducing students to the subject of the project and  familiarized them with the goals of the project, its results and outputs.

During the pilot we had chance to implement the methodology learned during the project.

Students were personally involved in the experimentation of the project methodology.

They took part in the activities of stimulating entrepreneurial skills, as well as in the self-evaluation

In our school 20 students were involved in piloting process (students age 14-18).

Pilot period: from  March to May 2021

Our school followed ESSENCE Methodology, learned at JSTE and available on GDrive to evaluate students work using aspects, criteria and rubrics. We used the Essence Tool, for the assessment and self-assessment activities, following the tutorial on GDrive, after each activity.

For piloting worshops we choose six activities, two for each of the thre sub-competences:

Personality tree
My dream profession

+Working with the others
Who is what?
Build the highest tower

+Self awareness and self efficacy
My driving forces
The animal