Project objectives

Through the improvement of the professional profile of teachers, ESSENCE wants to help student in acquiring/evaluating the entrepreneurial competences, allowing them to develop transversal skills such as critical thinking, creativity and self-perception, and introducing them, with the game, to the professional world and promoting their active citizenship. This objective will be reached through the realization of a training path, for the teaching of the project’s methodology to teachers; specifically, the training will include strategies for the teaching of entrepreneurial competences, techniques of assessment and use of a digital tool, the E-portfolio, for the assessment and self-assessment activities. So, the general objective is to produce an impact on the school system, in terms of improvement of the education quality and evaluation and self-evaluation of entrepreneurial skills, through the update of teachers’ competences (specific objective of the project).

Direct target group:
– teachers and headmasters of the secondary schools;
– students, beneficiaries of the learning path.
Indirect target group:
– representatives of the institutions and of the educational field.

The project foresees the implementation of the following activities:
– 12 specific activities, useful for the realization of the intellectual output: methodology of assessment and self-assessment of the entrepreneurial competences (O1/A1);
– Joint Staff Training Event for the training of teachers (C1);
– activities for the dissemination of the project, in total 6 multiplier events (E1-E6)

The project implements a validated process for the development and transfer of the innovation based on different points:
1 sharing of best practices: LUT, UM and Framtidsfrön make available their own best practices, contributing to the realization of the project methodology;
2 comparison with stakeholders at local level (O1/A4) for the collection of feedbacks regarding the proposed methodology;
3 on the basis of feedbacks, it will be possible to join and adapt the best practices with the aim to realize a draft of the assessment and self-assessment methodology, based on the development of the entrepreneurial education in the schools (O1/A5);
4 definition and implementation of training path for teachers (O1/A6) to be implemented during the JSTE at the University of Murcia (C1).
5 after the training it will be possible to test the methodology within the schools partner of the project(O1/A10-O1/A11);
6 the collection of feedbacks occurred earlier (O1/A11) will be fundamental in order to proceed with the activity of fine tuning (O1/A12);
The development of this process will lead at the realization of an innovative methodology of transmission/evaluation of the entrepreneurial competences, which will be implemented by the teachers within the school contexts.

– update of teachers’ competences;
– innovative methodology of assessment and self-assessment of entrepreneurial competences;
– improvement of teaching/learning processes of schools.